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Tranquility Hakkai



I love this fanart that cost me so much to do, I'm up early to finish it but I was so in love with Hakkai, is that there is Relinde Hakuryu sitting on his shoulder and back Gojyo sexy smoking like its nothing ...

I felt free from pressure to paint Trant, had so long without doing decently, even there I have a Goku paint and that I should come out with some chibi in his arms a product of my fic "our gift" ... I upload it now!!.

y en español tambien!!

adoro este fanart que tanto me costo hacer, estoy madrugando para poder terminarlo pero quede tan enamorada de Hakkai, es que se ve relindo alli sentado con Hakuryu sobre su hombro y el sexy Gojyo atras fumando como su nada...

me senti liberada de tranta presion para pintar, tenia tanto tiempo sin hacerlo decentemente, aun tengo un Goku por alli que debo pintar y que sale con cierto chibi entre sus brazos producto de mi fic "nuestro regalo"... es que quiero subirlo ya!!!.
Image size
1024x1403px 920.9 KB
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LovableLuma's avatar
Hakkai~ :heart: :heart: :heart:
Fantastic work on this! The scenery really does look tranquil. :aww: